To email one of our committee members, just click on their name.

Note: The State Rep is normally the first point of contact for enquiries regarding NCRS Australia membership or general club info.
Enquiries from Tasmania  are covered by the VIC Rep. SA and NT is covered by the SA Rep.

President Murray Forman
Vice President Rod Grogan
Secretary Wendy Forman
Editor Wendy Forman
Treasurer Glen Shreeve
Merchandise Officer Andrew Christopolous
Webmaster Gary Cowans
Club Plate Registrar Rod Grogan
Events Coordinator Andrew Christopolous
Committee Members Harry Turner
Graham Tydeman
Ross Reynolds
Public Officer Murray Forman
Membership Officer Joe Caruana
Legal Advisor Andrew Christopoulos
State Representatives  
NSW State Rep. Murray Forman
VIC State Rep. TBA
QLD State Rep. TBA
WA State Rep. Terry Martin
SA State Rep. TBA


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